UniBond 820
Multi-purpose PVA bonding agent & mortar admixture
Technical specifications
UniBond 820 is a PVA-based liquid polymer. It is specially formulated for use as a multipurpose bonding agent, primer, sealer and admixture for cement-based mixes.
Features and benefits
Improves durability and reduces drying shrinkage cracks.
Enhances adhesion and other physical mortar properties.
Bonds to many types of construction materials.
Cost effective.
UniBond 820 is ideally designed for use in the following applications:
As an admixture for thrown coat and base coat renders.
As an admixture for floor screeds and floor patching mortars.
As an admixture for tile adhesive mortars.
As a primer and sealer on common porous substrates such as plaster, block and concrete for the subsequent application of coating.
As a primer & bonding agent for gypsum mixes for difficult substrates or situations requiring additional adhesion.
Development by :Prosmart Co