UniDécor 777F
Cement-based, decorative, smooth finish render
Technical specifications
UniDécor 777F is a single component, cement-based, factory pre-blended, polymer modified colored top coat mortar most suited to give smooth texturing finish render.
UniDécor 777F can be applied manually using suitable hand tools or by spraying machine.
After drying, it gives high performance, color, decorative render with minimum color fading.
Features and benefits
- Exceptional and consistent quality.
- Established track record in varying climatic conditions.
- Suitable for interior and exterior applications.
- Excellent workability with extended open time.
- Gives exceptional aesthetic appeal finish.
- High adhesion bond strength, whilst allowing the structure to breath.
- Good colors’ stability against UV rays and sunlight.
- Efflorescence is very low compared with conventional decorative renders.
Approximately 2.4 kg/m².
UniDécor 777F is the ideal solution where color decorative smooth finish render is required especially in coastal areas. These areas are widely available in compounds, resorts, clubs, schools, shopping centers, private & commercial buildings and villas.
Development by :Prosmart Co