AcryShield 750-HB
Acrylic-based, fine graffiato finish coat
Technical specifications
AcryShield 750-HB is a single component, acrylic-based colored coat most suited to give fine graffiato texture finish.
AcryShield 750-HB can be applied manually using suitable hand tools. After drying, it gives high performance, color, decorative coat.
AcryShield 750-HB has a degree of flexibility. It is able to accommodate relatively higher natural movement and cover minor cracks up to 1.5 mm width.
Features and benefits
- Exceptional and consistent quality.
- Established track record in varying climatic conditions. Suitable for interior and exterior applications.
- Resist the effect of the dirt in rain water.
- Keep your façade looking great for longer period.
- Easy to use. No mixing is required.
- Gives exceptional aesthetic appeal finish.
- High adhesion bond strength.
- High abrasion and scuff resistance coating.Combines maximum protection with decorative textured appearance.
- Good colors’ stability against UV rays and sunlight.
Approximately 2.4 kg/m²
AcryShield 750HB is the ideal solution where color, decorative & protective fine graffiato finish coat is required especially in coastal areas. These areas are widely available in compounds, resorts, clubs, schools, shopping centers, private & commercial buildings and villas.
Development by :Prosmart Co